
Children’s Programmes

Yes, please feel free to bring your children along! We run SUN JAM children’s programmes (for 2 – 12 year-olds) concurrent to our 9am, 10.30am, and 11am Services (please click here for details). For nursing mothers and parents with toddlers, cry rooms are available for your use. You will be able to follow the worship services through glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.

We make church fun! Our Children’s Ministry, ONE JAM (ONE Jesus And Me) and their team of committed, dedicated teachers provide an environment for your child to know God, love His Word, and learn Godly values in creative, engaging, and relevant ways. They’ll see to it that your child has the best hour of the week every Sunday!

Your child will be taken care of by experienced and caring helpers, many of whom are mothers themselves! They will enjoy listening to amazing Bible stories with visual impact, learning action songs, and having fun doing colouring or crafts.

We aim to look at everything we do through the eyes of a child, and help every child learn and apply God’s Word. Teachers employ creative teaching styles using object lessons, gospel illusions, skits, puppets, videos, and other tools. The children also play games to bond and have fun.

Children then attend “pod time”, when they can learn in smaller groups, about topics related to the large group teaching.

Our GEMs programme is designed for children with special needs. Every child is a gem in God’s eyes! For details, please contact Pearly Sim, Pastoral Team Member for Children, at

Faith is a place for families and that includes your children! As you attend our worship services, be assured that there are conducive facilities for your young ones.

Cry Rooms (at 400 Commonwealth Drive premises)
There are Cry Rooms at both the Sanctuary and Worship Hall for parents with babies and toddlers. Parents can follow the service through the glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.

Children’s Corner @ Attic Library
The little ones have their own corner at the Attic Library! There they can relax and enjoy a cartoon or two, and explore the ample materials and resources for children such as books, CDs and DVDs.

A place suitable for children aged 1 – 12 to have moments of fun. This playground is located at the Attic Level.

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