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Christmas At Faith 2024!

Friday - Sunday, 20 December - 22 December 2024

Faith Methodist Church


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Volunteer Recruitment Opens!

Join us in sharing Christ’s love this Christmas! This is a wonderful opportunity for you, your life group, and your family to serve our community as one in Christ.

As Christians, we are called to be witnesses for Christ. Let’s be the light and salt to our community, offering warmth and love at our Christmas at Faith event.

Sign up to volunteer today! Training will be provided.

Volunteer Roles Available:

1) Flyer Distribution (Pre-event)
2) Logistics Crew (Pre-event)
3) Meal Stations Servers
4) Christmas at Faith Event Volunteers
     – Game / Craft Station Crew
     – Children’s Activities Crew
     – Ushers
     – Befrienders
     – Logistics Crew
     – Registration Hosts
     – And more!
5) Connect with newcomers (Post-event)

For more information and registration, visit here
or scan the QR code:

We are also looking for passionate merchandisers to participate this year!

Do note we require all merchandise sales to include charitable components to help us to spread joy and make a difference with this event!

Reach out to us to get involved!

Dates:    20—22 Dec 2024 (Fri—Sun)
Venue:  Faith Methodist Church

For enquiries, please email


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