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Baptism & Membership

Sunday, 20 October 2024, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


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This is for you if you are either:

    • A believer wishing to obey Jesus’ command to be baptised.
    • Keen to become a member* of our Faith Family (*includes transfers from another Methodist Church or other Christian denominations).
    • A parent who wants your infant/young child to be baptised.

    A. Membership Course (16 years or older)
    A member of a Life Group (LG) for at least six months.

    B. Baptism ONLY– ADULTS (16 years or older) 
    Attendance in a group session with Pastor and a dialogue with a Pastoral Team Member (PTM)

    C. Baptism—Infant/Child/Youth (below 16 years)
    At least one parent is a Faith member, or the infant/child/youth is sponsored by a Faith member.
    Both parents/sponsor must attend a compulsory briefing with the Pastor (date and time TBC).

    D. Baptism & Membership Service

    E. REGISTRATION for Category A & B (Non-refundable):
    $10 (working adults-covers baptism & membership, if registering for both at the same time) Free-of-Charge (non-working adults, students, retirees)

          Registration is closed.

          Refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for eligibility requirements before completing the registration form.

          For enquiries, please email to







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