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FaithActs Charity Golf

Wednesday, 07 May 2025, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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Our biennial Charity Golf will be held in 2025.  We invite you to join us in our mission to impact, change and transform lives through this event.

The funds raised through sponsorships, donations and flight participation will support our dollar-for-dollar Enhance Fund Raising Campaign for children and youth called, “K-Acts Plus & More”. Our goal is to develop every child to their highest potential, whether academically, in sports or other life skills. Our target for this fundraising event is $500,000 to enable us to support more children and youths in our community.

We invite you to take up the sponsorship of a flight or to support our mission with a donation.  If the donation is made before 31st December 2024, you will qualify for an IPC tax-deduction receipt will be issued for 2024. Your contribution will significantly help us reach more beneficiaries and enrich their lives.

Date:              7 May 2025 (Wed)
Venue:          Sentosa Golf Club, New Tanjong Course

For more information, please contact Jean or Pat at 63397611 or email   On behalf of the Management Committee and beneficiaries, we thank you for your generous contribution.

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