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Missions Conference 2024—“Encounter” (Missions Month 2024)

Saturday, 03 August 2024, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


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Divine Encounters at Work in History

Divine encounters transform lives, communities and even nations (think Joshua, Nehemiah, Zacchaeus!). When Christians understand their purpose and are equipped, we will step into our roles with passion. Then the church can fulfill her calling in the world.

Date:               3 August 2024 (Saturday) 
Time:              10am—4pm (Registration starts at 9.30am. Lunch & tea provided)
Venue:           Worship Hall, Level 4
Speaker:        Lawrence Ko


About Lawrence Ko

Lawrence Ko is founder-director of Asian Journeys Ltd and a researcher on Chinese cultural history. He has served over the past decades as a pastor, mission executive, corporate trainer and community mobiliser. He enjoys working with transformative leaders who make things happen. He is author of two books on environmental mission and enjoys coffee, Chinese calligraphy and decoding cultures.   


9.30am  Registration 
10.00am Welcome 
10.10am Worship 
10.30am Segment 1: “Divine Encounters at Work in History” by Lawrence Ko
12.00pm Lunch 
1.00pm  Segment 2: Breakout
(Please choose one of the five sessions) 
3.00pm Tea Break 
3.30pm  Closing by Pastor Reuben Ng
4.00pm End


Breakout Sessions (Please choose one. Sessions will be held in 4-5 different rooms)

  1. {Reaching out to the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia} | Methodist Missions Society
    Speaker: Dr Dennis Lee, [Director, Strategic Planning & Capacity building] 

    [With an increasingly globalized world, migration has become increasingly common, and it is no surprise to find different diaspora groups outside of SEA now here in our midst. Come and hear about this new phenomenon and ministry that MMS has with the Chinese diaspora and how you could be a part of this ministry.]

  2. {Learning about the refugee ministry} | Interserve Singapore
    Speaker(s): Interserve ministry staff

    [Have you wondered about the stories of refugees and how ministering alongside them looks like? This workshop provides you the opportunity to not only know about what the refugee ministry is about but also have a chance to interact with them through an interactive craft-making session.]

  3. {Business As Missions (BAM)} | Wycliffe Singapore
    Speaker: Mr. Charles Ho, [Executive Director]

    [If you are an entrepreneur or working in the marketplace seeking to see how missional business looks like, sign up for this workshop to hear our speaker share his experiences in BAM as a businessman and missionary. Learn how you can be a salt and light with the skills and talents that God has given you, wherever you are placed.]

  4. {Arts in Missions} | OMF Singapore
    Speaker: Ling Zi, [Serve Asia Coordinator]

    [Wonder how arts has a part to play in missions? Join this workshop to learn more about this emerging field of missions and have the opportunity to take part in an experiential activity as part of the learning process

  5. {Missions in our backyard} | YWAM Singapore
    Speaker: YWAM ministry staff

    [Missions is not only about going overseas, but it can be done right here, in Singapore as well. Interested in being involved in local missions? This workshop shares about YWAM’s work in local missions with the migrant population and how they are sharing the gospel in the neigbourhood where they are placed at.]

For registration, please click here  
Registration closes on 28 July 2024 (Sunday) For enquiries, please email Florence Fong at

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