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8th Duranno English Mother School

Monday - Thursday, 08 July - 11 July 2024


Duranno Mother School was founded in Korea in 1999, to support the fathers of Duranno Father School in raising the families according to God’s divine order. It has since been held in 53 countries.

Mother School serves to inspire every mother to become a spiritually healthy, happy and warm woman. Through the restoration of biblical womanhood, we discover our identity as daughter, our calling as wives, our influence as mothers, and how we can pray for our children in ways that are aligned to God’s heart. Over the 4 days, messages are given over 5 lectures:

1) Restoration of Biblical womanhood
2) Calling as a wife
3) Influences of a mother
4) The Praying mother

5) The Cross and its calling

Let the biblical truths of marriage and family be birthed in our hearts and let God change our life. It doesn’t matter which stage of life you are at, Mother School will impact you in ways you could never imagine.

As the enemy seeks to break up marriages and families, come and be equipped to pray for your children, and become one with your spouse in fortifying your family. Open your heart to the timeless wisdom of marriage and family in God’s Word. Let God’s transformative power touch every aspect of your life. Whether you’re starting out or seasoned, Mother School will widen your perspective in ways beyond your imagination.

In a world where family relationships are under siege, come and equip yourself to intercede for your children and strengthen the bond with your spouse. God beckons you to Mother School. Embrace your divine purpose and connect with a worldwide network of empowered graduates. Your journey to a fortified God-centred family begins here.

Date/Time:     8 to 11 July 2024 / 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue:             Faith Methodist Church, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Singapore 149604
Fee:                   $180 per person (Individual) / $150 per person (Group fee. Min 5 pax)
Faith Methodist Church will subsidise 50% for our members/worshippers (for individual and group sign ups) For enquiries, contact Joni @96302531 or Alison at
Registration for the 8th Duranno English Mother School is open.

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