
Holy Communion

Like baptism, Holy Communion is regarded by Methodists as a sacrament – an act of worship instituted by Christ and a means of grace. As with baptism, we believe that God administers His divine grace through the elements of bread and grape juice. All Christians are welcome at the table, regardless of denominational affiliation. When we celebrate Holy Communion, we partake of God’s grace as a family of God.

At Faith, we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month for the English Services at 8am, 10am and 11am, for both adults and children. For the youth Service at 9am, Holy Communion is celebrated every third Sunday and for the Mandarin Service at 10.15am, every fourth Sunday.

Holy Communion is also celebrated on special Sundays, such as Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday) and the Wesleyan Covenant Renewal and Watchnight Service (on 31 December of every year).

We welcome all who loves the Lord Jesus Christ to participate in the Lord’s Supper. As long as you are a Christian, please feel free to join us!

Generally, during Holy Communion, there is a ritual whereby the entire congregation is led by the Pastor to confess our sins and receive forgiveness, remember Christ’s sacrifice for us, and affirm our faith. Members of the congregation are then invited to the front to receive the elements of bread and grape juice. At this moment, believers are encouraged to reflect before God, before they are prayed for. After the prayer, they will return to their seats and continue in a time of worship and reflection.

The Communion elements will be brought to members who are unable to walk to the front.

That’s a good question! The answer is found in the historical context of society during the 19th century, when there was rampant abuse of beverage alcohol. To support the church’s witness of abstinence, as well as to express pastoral care for recovering alcoholics, grape juice was used instead of wine, and the practice continues till today. By using grape juice, we also enable children and youth to participate in Holy Communion.

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