… but our One Mission isn’t! View the Suggested Action Steps from each Breakout Session here!
Contact your Parish Leader should you need notes and/or an in-depth equipping session to be conducted in your Small Group – let’s get equipped together!
Get to know the plenary speakers and breakout session selections at our One Mission Small Group Conference!
Plenary Session
by Rev Reuben Ng & Rev Peter Koh
WATCH LIVE on 22 January (Friday), 7.30pm:
What is the “One Mission” that God has purposed for you and your Small Group? Discover your unique mission as a group, starting with your own personal journey to the center of your soul, and discover what YOU need to wholly embrace your role in Christ’s Great Commission.
Speaker Profile
Rev Reuben Ng is Pastor-in-Charge of Faith Methodist Church.
Speaker Profile
Rev Peter Koh is a pastor at Faith Methodist Church (Small Groups).
Breakout Session
by Ms Anna Tan
Learn how to reach out to pre-believing youths through creative activities that build relationships and introduce Christian values and principles. Get to know the different approaches to youth outreach and get practical handles to work with youths both locally and overseas.
Speaker Profile
Ms Anna Tan is a professional trainer at Stillwaters Services Pte Ltd and the ministry chairperson of our CYF (Community.Youth.Family) Ministry. She believes every youth is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and dearly loved by Him, and passionately works towards helping every youth come to know, trust and find hope in the Father.
Breakout Session
by Mr Chan Siew Leong
As Tanglin Halt residents move out in 2020, we expect an influx of migrant workers in our community who are in the construction industry. This session prepares you and your small group to understand and be equipped for this upcoming ministry opportunity.
Speaker Profile
Mr Chan Siew Leong is currently serving as Senior Ministry Staff for Pastoral Care and Outreach in Fairfield Methodist Church. He worked in a secular company as an Administrative and Finance Manager before pursuing his theological studies. He graduated with a Bachelor in Divinity at Trinity Theological College in 1991 and has since joined Fairfield as a pastoral staff member. He has been involved with the Migrant Workers Ministry since 2007 among Chinese, Bangladeshis and Indian nationals. He is also active in cross cultural church planting ministry in some parts of South Asia and Africa. He is married to Mrs Choong Lai Pheng and they have 3 adult children.
Breakout Session
by Ms Jiamin Choo
Culture can affect our understanding and reception of the gospel. Some theologies emphasises the forgiveness of sins, but people in many other nations seek honour or spiritual power. Come and learn how the Bible speaks to cultures of guilt, shame and fear, and how we can be culturally sensitive and relevant as we bring the gospel across cultures.
Speaker Profile
Ms Jiamin Choo is one of Faith’s local mission workers. She serves as Missions Coordinator with Operation Mobilisation (OM), where she leads the work in engaging both churches and individuals for missions. Her passion is to journey with young people, encouraging them to draw nearer to God and to His heart for the nations. She also serves as a contributing writer to Kallos, Singapore’s first Christian magazine for young women, where she pens the devotional column. She has served on board OM’s ship Doulos and wrote Out of the Harbour, based on her missions journey in over 30 countries.
Breakout Session
by Ms Pearly Sim
Learn how to design Bible-based, science-inspired outreach programmes to engage children in your local outreach or mission trip. Pick up easy science activities that help you convey biblical truths in a creative and educational way. Children’s outreach will never be the same again!
Speaker Profile
Ms Pearly Sim is Faith’s pastoral team member who oversees the Children’s Ministry. She also plans and develops children’s outreach programmes for the community. As a qualified and trained teacher, she loves bringing out the best in every child, but the thing that gives her the greatest joy now is to shape the hearts and minds of children in Christ Jesus!
Breakout Session
by various Small Groups sharing on their lifestyles and experiences as “Harvesters”
“Harvest” is one of the purposes of a Faith Small Group. Hear the stories of Small Groups who have been intentionally incorporating this into their group life. Hear their testimonies of faith and joy on how they overcame their fears, their struggles, their challenges, and now continuing as joyful “Harvesters” partnering God in the harvest field! Your Small Group can too – come learn how!
Breakout Session
by Ms Ruth Lew
What is the difference between humanitarian and mission trips? How can we bring transformative development to local communities? Even though we may have good intentions, sometimes we can dis-enable people instead of empowering them. This interactive session is a brief introduction to a biblical approach to community transformation.
Speaker Profile
Ms Ruth Lew is trained and worked as a social worker for a couple of years in a public hospital in Singapore. She felt led by God to do Mercy Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Singapore in 2013 where she felt God calling her to serve Him full-time. Since then, she serves in the mercy ministries in YWAM Singapore, reaching out to individuals with the hope of seeing communities transformed and developed. She also went to YWAM Lakeside, Montana to do a Community Development School (CDS) in 2015. Since 2014, she had the privilege to staff various schools (DTS & CDS) in Singapore and beyond. She is also part of community development training school and seminars in the region. She has a heart to journey with people, helping them to reach their God-given potential and to discover their calling and purpose in life.
Breakout Session
by Ms Esther Ong
You see them sometimes unlocking their gates next to your house, hear them singing while taking a shower, and smell the burning incense or cigarette smoke coming into your house. They can be so near and yet so far- living next to you for many years and yet knowing next to nothing about them. Nevertheless, God loves them too and chose to place your home near them. This session seeks to provide you with practical ideas on how to love your neighbours of varied nationality, race, religion and language so that they too may know and experience the love of Christ.
Speaker Profile
Ms Esther Ong served as a member of Faith’s Pastoral Team for over 20 years and was an overseas Mission worker in two Asian countries for about three years. She is now one of Faith’s local mission workers with Interserve Singapore. Together with a team, she conducts trainings for churches and individuals who are interested and engaged in reaching out to a specific people group in Singapore. She can speak Indonesian fluently, which she claims is better than her Mandarin.
Breakout Session
by Dr Wilson Lau
God uses ordinary people like us to share the love of Jesus Christ. You do not need to be a pastor, a Bible teacher, or a seasoned evangelist. Just be yourself, a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. This session will equip you to share the Gospel in the simplest way possible, so that whenever and wherever an opportunity arises, you are ready to be a witness with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker Profile
Dr Wilson Lau is an engineer by training, and has a Master of Arts degree in Christian Ministry, Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry. He now serves as Field Executive with Cru Singapore, and is particularly involved in training new Cru staff and discipling students in their campus ministry. Together with his wife Pauline Lau, they are Faith’s local missioners and have been serving in Cru for some 40 years. In Faith, he is a Team Leader in our Small Group Ministry.
by Rev Chen Kim Leong 特邀讲员:郑金隆牧师
Speaker Profile 特邀讲员
Rev Chen Kim Leong 郑金隆牧师 毕业于新加坡理工学院土木工程系,曾在建屋发展局任职四年, 拥有新加坡上帝学院上帝学学士学位和百欧拉基督教大学 (Biola University) 跨文化宣教人类学 (MA in Inter Cultural Studies) 硕士学位。郑牧师有逾八年教牧体验,也曾在宣教机构参与推广及教育宣教四年。1999年,郑牧师举家前往柬埔寨一年宣教。后来,郑牧师夫妇加入新加坡威克理夫圣经翻译会,主要的工作是在华文教会中推广及教育有关差传及圣经未得之民的急需,并于2013年出任总干事一职。其后,在上帝的带领下,他们加入新加坡青年使命团,期盼被上帝使用成为与华语教会之间的桥梁,关注万国万民并将使命传承下一代。郑牧师与妻子陈惠玉以及四成年之子目前参加圣公会诸圣堂华文崇拜。
Mandarin Breakout Session 1 分组学习班 1
by Mrs Janice Poh 特邀讲员:李昭娥姐妹
Speaker Profile 特邀讲员
Mrs Janice Poh 李昭娥姐妹 任职新加坡管理学院副讲师一职。过去20年来,她活跃于亲友布道事工,后成为现在的华语事工。在周日华语主日崇拜中,她负责带领敬拜,也是祷告事工的祷告勇士。Janice和她的团队带领了许多教会里弟兄姐妹的父母亲信主。
Mandarin Breakout Session 2 分组学习班 2
by Mrs Janice Poh 特邀讲员:李昭娥姐妹
Speaker Profile 特邀讲员
Mrs Janice Poh 李昭娥姐妹 任职新加坡管理学院副讲师一职。过去20年来,她活跃于亲友布道事工,后成为现在的华语事工。在周日华语主日崇拜中,她负责带领敬拜,也是祷告事工的祷告勇士。Janice和她的团队带领了许多教会里弟兄姐妹的父母亲信主。