Planted by the Waters is a campaign to encourage everyone to read the Bible. Based on Psalm 1:1-3, we believe that everyone who reads and reflects on the Word of God will be like a tree planted by streams of water. They will then bear fruit in season when the Word becomes reality in their lives.
If you need a Bible reading plan, we recommend starting with the A Chapter A Day: Reading the Bible in Three Years plan, available on the YouVersion Bible App. Our church will be starting on the 1st Quarter – Year One plan on 1 January 2025.
First, make sure you’ve download the YouVersion Bible App. Here are some quick links to app store downloads:
Apple Store:
Google Play Store:
After setting up the app, click the link for the plan you wish to start on. You can start setting up the plan 4 weeks before the intended start date.
– 1 Jan, 2025 | Year One, First Quarter:
– 1 Apr, 2025 | Year One, Second Quarter:
– 1 Jul, 2025 | Year One, Third Quarter:
– 1 Oct, 2025 | Year One, Fourth Quarter:
If you prefer a hardcopy, you can download a printable reading plan here.
To grow deeper in the Word, we should reflect on how the lessons the Bible has for us can be applied in our lives today. We recommend starting a journal and setting aside time to record your reflections. If you are not sure how to go about reflecting on the Word, you can try the S.O.A.P. method:
S – Scripture
• Read the assigned passage for the day
• Note down the scripture(s) reference that stood out to you from the passage
• Consider writing out the scripture(s) that stood out to you from the passage
O – Observation
• Note down what is happening in the passage. Here are some guiding questions to help you:
· What does it say about God?
· What does it say about our human condition?
· What made this passage stand out to you?
A – Application
• Note down how you can apply your observations to your life. Here are some guiding questions to help you:
· What are some steps you can take to apply what you’ve learnt?
· How can you remind yourself of the promises in the passage?
· How can you show devotion to God/love others based on your observations?
P – Prayer
• Write a simple prayer to commit your observations and applications to God
If you would like to go deeper into your reflections by sharing and hearing from others in a community, consider joining a Life Group by filling out a form here.
As we go through life, we find that God’s Word becomes a reality in our lives. Was there a verse or passage that encouraged you through a difficult situation? Did God’s Word come to pass in your life? How did you manage to bear fruit?
The answers to these questions may be testimonies of how God’s Word is true. If you have found that God’s Word is true, why not share your testimony with others? If you want to share a testimony of how God’s Word has blessed you, share it with us on this Google Form.
We hope your testimony can be used to encourage others in the church but if you’re feeling shy or wish to maintain some privacy, we’ll publish your testimony as “Anonymous”.
Got questions?
For enquiries on the Bible reading campaign Planted by the Waters, contact Rebekah Lim, Pastoral Team Member at this email.
《栽在溪水旁》是个鼓励每个人阅读圣经的运动。根据诗篇 1:1-3,我们相信,每个阅读与反思上帝话语的人都会像一棵栽在溪水旁的树。
如果您需要一个阅读圣经计划,我们建议您使用YouVersion 圣经软件中的“每日一章:三年读经”计划。本教会将在2025年1月1日开始第一年第一季度的计划。
首先,请下载 YouVersion 圣经软件。以下是下载此软件的链接:
Apple App Store:
Google Play Store:
– 2025年1月1日 | 第一年,第一季度(1月至3月): day-reading-the-bible-year-1-quarter-1
– 2025年4月1日 | 第一年,第二季度(4月至6月):
– 2025年7月1日 | 第一年,第三季度(7月至9月):
– 2025年10月1日 | 第一年,第四季度(10月至12月):
为了更深入地理解经文,我们应该反思能如何应用圣经所给予我们的教训在我们现今的生活中。我们建议您开始写日志并腾出时间记录您的反思。如果您不确定如何去反思经文,您可尝试以下的 S.O.A.P. 方法:
S – Scripture 经文
• 阅读当天指定的经文
• 记下这段经文中突出的章节
O – Observation 观察
• 记下这段经文中所发生的事情。以下是一些能引导您的问题:
• 这段经文是如何讲述上帝的呢?
• 这段经文是如何讲述人类状况的呢?
• 是什么让这段经文让您印象深刻呢?
A – Application 应用
• 记下您如何能将您的观察应用在您的生活中。以下是一些能引导您的问题:
• 您可以采取哪些步骤把所学到的知识/教训应用在生活中呢?
• 您如何能提醒自己有关这段经文中的应许呢?
• 您如何能根据您的观察去表明对上帝的虔诚或去爱他人呢?
P – Prayer 祷告
• 写一段简单的祷告,把您的观察和应用交托给上帝。
• 您也可以:
• 为您所学到的知识/教训感谢上帝。
• 求上帝帮助您学以致用。
如果您想通过在一个社区中分享和听取其他人的分享,以便更深入地反思,请考虑参加一个生命小组。如果要参加一个生命小组,请在办公时间内拨电到思珍堂办事处 64719420 联络教牧同工,冯清颜姐妹。
若您对《栽在溪水旁》阅读圣经运动有任何疑问,请透过此电邮联络教牧同工 Rebekah Lim 。