a. Infant/Child (12 years old or younger) and youth (between 13-15 years old).
b. At least one parent/guardian is a Faith-member OR infant/child/youth is sponsored by a Faith-member.
c. Youth (if parents/guardian not in Faith): parents/guardian written consent to be baptized.
d. Attendance of both parents/guardian* and/or sponsor to the compulsory briefing by Pastor.
e. Attendance of parents/guardian* and/or sponsor together with infant/child/youth at Baptism Service.
f. Completed Infant/Child/Youth Baptism Registration Form.
*optional for parents/guardian of youth

  1. Aged 16 years and above by the date of the Baptism Service.
  2. Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord.
  3. Duly completed Baptism Registration Form together with a personal testimony and recent passport-sized photograph.
  4. Attendance in a Group Session with a Pastor on Salvation & Significance of Baptism.
  5. A dialogue session with a Pastoral Team Member (PTM).
  6. Attendance at the Faith Methodist Church Baptism Service.
  7. Registration (non-refundable): $10 for working adults (inclusive of membership, if registering for membership on the same date); free of charge for non-working adults, students, retirees and National Service (NS) men.
  1. Aged 16 years and above by the date of the Membership Reception Service.
  2. Baptized believer (If not baptized yet, can be baptized and received into membership at the same Baptism & Membership Reception Service upon completion of the requirements herein).
  3. A dialogue session with a Pastoral Team Member (PTM).
  4. A member of a Life Group (LG) in Faith for at least six months by the date of Membership Service.
  5. Sponsored by the Life Group Leader (Life Group Leader’s Sponsorship Form).
  6. Attendance at all the sessions of the Membership Course and at Membership Service
  7. Duly completed Membership Registration Form, together with the following: personal testimony, recent passport-sized photograph, and duly signed Life Group Leader’s Sponsorship Form.
  8. Additional requirements may be requested for transfer of membership (see Q4 & Q5).
  9. Registration (non-refundable): $10 for working adults (inclusive of baptism registration, if registering for baptism on the same date); free of charge for non-working adults, students, retirees and National Service (NS) men.

The requirements listed in Q3 are applicable to you. Once your membership registration is successful, inform your church of your intention to transfer membership. Transfer of membership will be processed upon receipt of the Certificate Of Transfer from your church.

The requirements listed in Q3 are applicable to you. Once your membership registration is successful, inform your church, in writing, of your intention to transfer membership, with a duplicate of the letter submitted to Faith Methodist Church. Transfer of membership will be processed upon receipt of the duplicate.

1. Online

Registration and sponsorship forms are available at the following links during the application period:

Adult Membership Class (16 & Older)
Adult Baptism (16 & Older)
Infant / Child Baptism (Below 16) / Youth
Life Group Leader’s Sponsorship Form (For Membership)

2. Hardcopy

Alternatively, you can collect hardcopy forms from our Church Office during office hours on Mondays – Fridays (8.30am – 5.30pm), and Saturdays (8.30am – 12.30pm), except on public holidays.

Email BaptismMembership@faithmc.sg  or call our Church Office at 64719420 during office hours on Mondays – Fridays (8.30am – 5.30pm), and Saturdays (8.30am – 12.30pm), except on public holidays.


a. 婴儿/儿童16岁以下。
b. 婴儿/儿童的其中一位父母必须是思珍堂会友。
c. 父母两人须出席由牧师主持的父母简介会。
d. 父母须签署婴儿/儿童赞助表格。
e. 提交填妥的婴孩/儿童洗礼表格及婴儿/儿童的近期护照相片。
f. 婴儿/儿童和父母须出席思珍堂洗礼与入会仪式。

a. 截至洗礼仪式当天,受洗人必须年满16岁或以上。
b. 相信耶稣基督为个人的救主与生命的主。
c. 填妥洗礼报名表格并附上一篇个人见证和一张近期护照相片。
d. 出席由牧师教导有关救恩和洗礼的重要性的集会。
e. 与教牧同工进行对话会。
f. 出席思珍堂洗礼仪式。
g. 报名费:$30(如果同时报名入会,只需付一次费用)。

a. 截至入会仪式当天,入会人必须年满16岁或以上。
b. 已受洗基督徒(若未受洗,在符合必要条件后,可在同个仪式上受洗与入会)。
c. 与教牧同工进行对话会。
d. 截至入会仪式当天,须参与思珍堂的小组至少6个月。
e. 得到小组组长的支持(请参阅以下“h”列出所需的表格)。
f. 完成所有的入会课程。
g. 出席思珍堂入会仪式。
h. 填妥入会报名表格并附上一篇个人见证、近期护照相片和小组组长签署的赞助表格。
i. 转会可能附加额外条件,请参阅下列第4与5题。
j. 报名费:$30(如果同时报名洗礼,只需付一次费用)。



a. 您可上网到我们的教会网站faithmc.sg 报名;或
b. 您可在办公时间内到教会办事处索取表格:
星期一至五:上午8点30分 – 傍晚5点30分、星期六:上午8点30分 – 下午12点30分(公定假日除外)

电邮 BaptismMembership@faithmc.sg、查阅教会网站或在办公时间内致电给教会办事处(参阅第6题)。

Yes, please feel free to bring your children along! We run SUN JAM children’s programmes (for 2 – 12 year-olds) concurrent to our 9am, 10.30am, and 11am Services (please click here for details). For nursing mothers and parents with toddlers, cry rooms are available for your use. You will be able to follow the worship services through glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.

We make church fun! Our Children’s Ministry, ONE JAM (ONE Jesus And Me) and their team of committed, dedicated teachers provide an environment for your child to know God, love His Word, and learn Godly values in creative, engaging, and relevant ways. They’ll see to it that your child has the best hour of the week every Sunday!

Your child will be taken care of by experienced and caring helpers, many of whom are mothers themselves! They will enjoy listening to amazing Bible stories with visual impact, learning action songs, and having fun doing colouring or crafts.

We aim to look at everything we do through the eyes of a child, and help every child learn and apply God’s Word. Teachers employ creative teaching styles using object lessons, gospel illusions, skits, puppets, videos, and other tools. The children also play games to bond and have fun.

Children then attend “pod time”, when they can learn in smaller groups, about topics related to the large group teaching.

Our GEMs programme is designed for children with special needs. Every child is a gem in God’s eyes! For details, please contact Pearly Sim, Pastoral Team Member for Children, at pearlysim@faithmc.sg.

Faith is a place for families and that includes your children! As you attend our worship services, be assured that there are conducive facilities for your young ones.

Cry Rooms (at 400 Commonwealth Drive premises)
There are Cry Rooms at both the Sanctuary and Worship Hall for parents with babies and toddlers. Parents can follow the service through the glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.

Children’s Corner @ Attic Library
The little ones have their own corner at the Attic Library! There they can relax and enjoy a cartoon or two, and explore the ample materials and resources for children such as books, CDs and DVDs.

A place suitable for children aged 1 – 12 to have moments of fun. This playground is located at the Attic Level.


Yes, please feel free to bring your children along! We run SUN JAM children’s programmes (for 2 – 12 year-olds) concurrent to our 9am, 10.30am, and 11am Services (please click here for details). For nursing mothers and parents with toddlers, cry rooms are available for your use. You will be able to follow the worship services through glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.

We make church fun! Our Children’s Ministry, ONE JAM (ONE Jesus And Me) and their team of committed, dedicated teachers provide an environment for your child to know God, love His Word, and learn Godly values in creative, engaging, and relevant ways. They’ll see to it that your child has the best hour of the week every Sunday!

Your child will be taken care of by experienced and caring helpers, many of whom are mothers themselves! They will enjoy listening to amazing Bible stories with visual impact, learning action songs, and having fun doing colouring or crafts.

We aim to look at everything we do through the eyes of a child, and help every child learn and apply God’s Word. Teachers employ creative teaching styles using object lessons, gospel illusions, skits, puppets, videos, and other tools. The children also play games to bond and have fun.

Children then attend “pod time”, when they can learn in smaller groups, about topics related to the large group teaching.

Our GEMs programme is designed for children with special needs. Every child is a gem in God’s eyes! For details, please contact Pearly Sim, Pastoral Team Member for Children, at pearlysim@faithmc.sg

Faith is a place for families and that includes your children! As you attend our worship services, be assured that there are conducive facilities for your young ones.

Cry Rooms (at 400 Commonwealth Drive premises)
There are Cry Rooms at both the Sanctuary and Worship Hall for parents with babies and toddlers. Parents can follow the service through the glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.

Children’s Corner @ Attic Library
The little ones have their own corner at the Attic Library! There they can relax and enjoy a cartoon or two, and explore the ample materials and resources for children such as books, CDs and DVDs.

A place suitable for children aged 1 – 12 to have moments of fun. This playground is located at the Attic Level.

Our Faith church building at 400 Commonwealth Drive is equipped with lifts and ramps for the mobility-challenged. Our premises at Anglo-Chinese Junior College is also wheelchair-friendly.

Yes, our Prayer Chapel on Level 1 (beside the pantry) is open from 7am – 10pm daily!

You’re right! The church building at 400 Commonwealth Drive is home to Faith Methodist Church (that’s us!) and our sister church Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church. We are two different churches under The Methodist Church in Singapore.


Our Faith church building at 400 Commonwealth Drive is equipped with lifts and ramps for the mobility-challenged. Our premises at Anglo-Chinese Junior College is also wheelchair-friendly.

Yes, our Prayer Chapel on Level 1 (beside the pantry) is open from 7am – 10pm daily!

You’re right! The church building at 400 Commonwealth Drive is home to Faith Methodist Church (that’s us!) and our sister church Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church. We are two different churches under The Methodist Church in Singapore.

E-Pledging facilities are available via internet banking for those who wish to make their pledges via this method. If you would like to utilize our e-pledging facilities, below are directions for setting up Standing Instructions with your bank.

How to set up Standing Instructions (SI) for Electronic Pledging

How to set up Standing Instructions (SI) for Electronic Pledging

E-Pledging facilities are available via internet banking for those who wish to make their pledges via this method. If you would like to utilize our e-pledging facilities, below are directions for setting up Standing Instructions with your bank.

How to set up Standing Instructions (SI) for Electronic Pledging

Like baptism, Holy Communion is regarded by Methodists as a sacrament – an act of worship instituted by Christ and a means of grace. As with baptism, we believe that God administers His divine grace through the elements of bread and grape juice. All Christians are welcome at the table, regardless of denominational affiliation. When we celebrate Holy Communion, we partake of God’s grace as a family of God.

At Faith, we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month for the English Services at 8am, 10am and 11am, for both adults and children. For the youth Service at 9am, Holy Communion is celebrated every third Sunday and for the Mandarin Service at 10.15am, every fourth Sunday.

Holy Communion is also celebrated on special Sundays, such as Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday) and the Wesleyan Covenant Renewal and Watchnight Service (on 31 December of every year).

We welcome all who loves the Lord Jesus Christ to participate in the Lord’s Supper. As long as you are a Christian, please feel free to join us!

Generally, during Holy Communion, there is a ritual whereby the entire congregation is led by the Pastor to confess our sins and receive forgiveness, remember Christ’s sacrifice for us, and affirm our faith. Members of the congregation are then invited to the front to receive the elements of bread and grape juice. At this moment, believers are encouraged to reflect before God, before they are prayed for. After the prayer, they will return to their seats and continue in a time of worship and reflection.

The Communion elements will be brought to members who are unable to walk to the front.

That’s a good question! The answer is found in the historical context of society during the 19th century, when there was rampant abuse of beverage alcohol. To support the church’s witness of abstinence, as well as to express pastoral care for recovering alcoholics, grape juice was used instead of wine, and the practice continues till today. By using grape juice, we also enable children and youth to participate in Holy Communion.


Like baptism, Holy Communion is regarded by Methodists as a sacrament – an act of worship instituted by Christ and a means of grace. As with baptism, we believe that God administers His divine grace through the elements of bread and grape juice. All Christians are welcome at the table, regardless of denominational affiliation. When we celebrate Holy Communion, we partake of God’s grace as a family of God.

At Faith, we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month for the English Services at 8am, 10am and 11am, for both adults and children. For the youth Service at 9am, Holy Communion is celebrated every third Sunday and for the Mandarin Service at 10.15am, every fourth Sunday.

Holy Communion is also celebrated on special Sundays, such as Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday) and the Wesleyan Covenant Renewal and Watchnight Service (on 31 December of every year).

We welcome all who loves the Lord Jesus Christ to participate in the Lord’s Supper. As long as you are a Christian, please feel free to join us!

Generally, during Holy Communion, there is a ritual whereby the entire congregation is led by the Pastor to confess our sins and receive forgiveness, remember Christ’s sacrifice for us, and affirm our faith. Members of the congregation are then invited to the front to receive the elements of bread and grape juice. At this moment, believers are encouraged to reflect before God, before they are prayed for. After the prayer, they will return to their seats and continue in a time of worship and reflection.

The Communion elements will be brought to members who are unable to walk to the front.

That’s a good question! The answer is found in the historical context of society during the 19th century, when there was rampant abuse of beverage alcohol. To support the church’s witness of abstinence, as well as to express pastoral care for recovering alcoholics, grape juice was used instead of wine, and the practice continues till today. By using grape juice, we also enable children and youth to participate in Holy Communion.

We care for our flock. Please contact our Church Office at 6471 9420. You can also contact our Counsellor directly at 6471 9414, or via this form.

For urgent pastoral assistance after office hours, please call 8125 7277.

If you require pastoral care and assistance, do feel free to contact our pastoral staff. You can also contact our Church Office at 6471 9420 or submit your prayer request via this form.

For urgent pastoral assistance after office hours, please call 8125 7277.


We care for our flock. Please contact our Church Office at 6471 9420. You can also contact our Counsellor directly at 6471 9414, or via this form.

For urgent pastoral assistance after office hours, please call 8125 7277.

If you require pastoral care and assistance, do feel free to contact our pastoral staff. You can also contact our Church Office at 6471 9420 or submit your prayer request via this form.

For urgent pastoral assistance after office hours, please call 8125 7277.

You’re welcome to whichever suits your preference! We have various worship services and fellowship gatherings for people to worship God in ways most suited to them, with other Christian brothers and sisters.

The Traditional Service uses hymns with beautifully rich organ music accompaniment to draw people into the presence of God. Generally, the mood is more contemplative. Contemporary Services use upbeat choruses and full band accompaniment to usher worshippers into a time of delightful praise and adoration. The mood is celebratory and lively.

The 10.30am Service at ACJC and the 9am & 11am Services at Commonwealth (CW) are all contemporary in nature, using choruses and upbeat songs to lead the people in worship. The 8am Service at CW is Traditional. The sermon at all 4 services is almost always the same and delivered by the same preacher.

The main difference is that the Order of Worship is usually different at our 10.30am Service compared to the 9am & 11am Services. This is to allow the preacher sufficient time to travel between both locations to preach at all the services. Don’t worry, you will get the hang of it soon enough if you join us regularly, and the Order of Worship can be found in the bulletin!

Yes we do! We believe that people should be able to hear the message of Jesus’ love in the language they’re most comfortable with, and do our best to cater to this. We have a Mandarin Service every Sunday, as well as Indonesian and Filipino Fellowship gatherings. Please click here for details on all our Sunday worship services.

You will love The TackleBox (TTB) Youth Service! Held every Sunday, 10.30am at Anglo-Chinese Junior College, LT4 (L3), our TTB Youth Service is for young people like you. Our TTB Youths also hold Small Group meetings before the service, where they learn and fellowship together.

Welcome to Singapore! If you have not found a church yet, we welcome you to join our Faith church family! Faith is a multiethnic, multinational family church. There are Malaysians, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Indonesians, Vietnamese, and Americans among others in our congregation. You’ll fit right in!
For details on all our Sunday worship services including our Mandarin Service and Indonesian and Filipino Fellowship gatherings, please click here.

Yes, please feel free to bring your children along! We run SUN JAM children’s programmes (for 2 – 12 year-olds) concurrent to our 9am, 10.30am, and 11am Services (please click here for details). For nursing mothers and parents with toddlers, cry rooms are available for your use. You will be able to follow the worship services through glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.


You’re welcome to whichever suits your preference! We have various worship services and fellowship gatherings for people to worship God in ways most suited to them, with other Christian brothers and sisters.

The Traditional Service uses hymns with beautifully rich organ music accompaniment to draw people into the presence of God. Generally, the mood is more contemplative. Contemporary Services use upbeat choruses and full band accompaniment to usher worshippers into a time of delightful praise and adoration. The mood is celebratory and lively.

The 10.30am Service at ACJC and the 9am & 11am Services at Commonwealth (CW) are all contemporary in nature, using choruses and upbeat songs to lead the people in worship. The 8am Service at CW is Traditional. The sermon at all 4 services is almost always the same and delivered by the same preacher.

The main difference is that the Order of Worship is usually different at our 10.30am Service compared to the 9am & 11am Services. This is to allow the preacher sufficient time to travel between both locations to preach at all the services. Don’t worry, you will get the hang of it soon enough if you join us regularly, and the Order of Worship can be found in the bulletin!

Yes we do! We believe that people should be able to hear the message of Jesus’ love in the language they’re most comfortable with, and do our best to cater to this. We have a Mandarin Service every Sunday, as well as Indonesian and Filipino Fellowship gatherings. Please click here for details on all our Sunday worship services.

You will love The TackleBox (TTB) Youth Service! Held every Sunday, 10.30am at Anglo-Chinese Junior College, LT4 (L3), our TTB Youth Service is for young people like you. Our TTB Youths also hold Small Group meetings before the service, where they learn and fellowship together.

Welcome to Singapore! If you have not found a church yet, we welcome you to join our Faith church family! Faith is a multiethnic, multinational family church. There are Malaysians, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Indonesians, Vietnamese, and Americans among others in our congregation. You’ll fit right in!
For details on all our Sunday worship services including our Mandarin Service and Indonesian and Filipino Fellowship gatherings, please click here.

Yes, please feel free to bring your children along! We run SUN JAM children’s programmes (for 2 – 12 year-olds) concurrent to our 9am, 10.30am, and 11am Services (please click here for details). For nursing mothers and parents with toddlers, cry rooms are available for your use. You will be able to follow the worship services through glass windows and speakers installed in the rooms.

The Sunday Celebration Service is a celebration time! We celebrate God’s grace, love and worship Him for who He is and what He has done in our lives every time we gather as a church family.

A typical Celebration Service in Faith will include choir presentations, singing of hymns or worship songs (depending on the worship style in each Service), prayers, exchange of greetings, silent prayer and meditation, sharing of church family news, an offering time, reciting of the Lord’s Prayer, the sermon, and a closing prayer, also called the Benediction.

Don’t worry, on your way into the Service, you will be given a bulletin where the Order of Worship is printed. You can refer to the Order of Worship to follow along what is happening.

There is no dress code for the Services – we celebrate diversity in fashion sense! Generally, the Faith church family dresses casually, so feel free to come in your most comfortable garb, though we do ask that you refrain from wearing revealing clothes, shorts and slippers as an act of respect for God and other worshippers.

Isn’t the church one of the most melodious places?! Yes, songs and music are very much part of the Christian life, especially for the Methodists, for we are also known as the “singing people”!

Generally, Christians sing to remember God’s Word through the lyrics in age-old hymns passed down from the generations. We also sing to express our praise and worship to God as an act of responding to His grace. Singing also expresses our unity as the family of God – imagine the sound of sweet music when we sing as one people!

Yes, all are welcome to our worship services! Feel free to come and explore what the Christian faith is all about. There will be no obligations or coercion and we promise we won’t make you stand up! When you are ready, approach any of our Greeters or Ushers at the service. For now, please visit our visitors’ section to find out more!

We believe in giving as an act of worship. The Bible tells us that the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it (Psalm 24:1). Therefore, when we give, we are in fact giving Him what He first gave us. When we ask Jesus to be the Lord of our lives, He is the Lord of everything we have, including our time, energy, family, and finances. By giving, we express our gratitude that He is our Provider.

God said in the Bible that He loves a cheerful giver, therefore giving should be from a cheerful heart, not grudgingly, or out of duty or coercion. Christians are also encouraged to tithe one-tenth of their income, as per God’s command in the Bible. If you wish to tithe, you can request a pledge card from the Info Counter or Church Office. You can also visit our e-pledging page for directions on pledging electronically. If you wish to give an offering apart from your tithes, just drop the cash or cheque into the offering bag during worship services.

If you are a visitor, please do not feel obliged to give an offering – we are glad to be blessed by your presence! Just pass the offering bag along when it reaches you.


The Sunday Celebration Service is a celebration time! We celebrate God’s grace, love and worship Him for who He is and what He has done in our lives every time we gather as a church family.

A typical Celebration Service in Faith will include choir presentations, singing of hymns or worship songs (depending on the worship style in each Service), prayers, exchange of greetings, silent prayer and meditation, sharing of church family news, an offering time, reciting of the Lord’s Prayer, the sermon, and a closing prayer, also called the Benediction.

Don’t worry, on your way into the Service, you will be given a bulletin where the Order of Worship is printed. You can refer to the Order of Worship to follow along what is happening.

There is no dress code for the Services – we celebrate diversity in fashion sense! Generally, the Faith church family dresses casually, so feel free to come in your most comfortable garb, though we do ask that you refrain from wearing revealing clothes, shorts and slippers as an act of respect for God and other worshippers.

Isn’t the church one of the most melodious places?! Yes, songs and music are very much part of the Christian life, especially for the Methodists, for we are also known as the “singing people”!

Generally, Christians sing to remember God’s Word through the lyrics in age-old hymns passed down from the generations. We also sing to express our praise and worship to God as an act of responding to His grace. Singing also expresses our unity as the family of God – imagine the sound of sweet music when we sing as one people!

Yes, all are welcome to our worship services! Feel free to come and explore what the Christian faith is all about. There will be no obligations or coercion and we promise we won’t make you stand up! When you are ready, approach any of our Greeters or Ushers at the service. For now, please visit our visitors’ section to find out more!

We believe in giving as an act of worship. The Bible tells us that the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it (Psalm 24:1). Therefore, when we give, we are in fact giving Him what He first gave us. When we ask Jesus to be the Lord of our lives, He is the Lord of everything we have, including our time, energy, family, and finances. By giving, we express our gratitude that He is our Provider.

God said in the Bible that He loves a cheerful giver, therefore giving should be from a cheerful heart, not grudgingly, or out of duty or coercion. Christians are also encouraged to tithe one-tenth of their income, as per God’s command in the Bible. If you wish to tithe, you can request a pledge card from the Info Counter or Church Office. You can also visit our e-pledging page for directions on pledging electronically. If you wish to give an offering apart from your tithes, just drop the cash or cheque into the offering bag during worship services.

If you are a visitor, please do not feel obliged to give an offering – we are glad to be blessed by your presence! Just pass the offering bag along when it reaches you.

Hello There!

welcome to faith methodist church

We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

Thanksgiving & Testimony

Got a story of joy, faith, or answered prayers? We’d love to hear it! Share your thanksgiving or testimony with us below, and let’s celebrate God’s goodness together! 

Email Address *
Salutation *
Mobile Number *
Service Attending *
Life Group (if applicable) *
Please indicate *
Details of Thanksgiving/Testimony *
I/We have read and understood the Personal Data Protection Policy (PDPP) of Faith Methodist Church, and hereby give my/our acknowledgement and consent to use my/our personal data in accordance with the PDPP. Disclaimer: Your submissions may be published in FaithLink and other platforms. Do email to our Comms team at comms@faithmc.sg if you wish to remain anonymous. *

Prayer Request

Fill out this Prayer Request form to share your prayers and hopes. We are honored to pray alongside you, offering spiritual support and lifting your requests to God. All information you provide will be kept confidential.

Prayer request

Salutation *
Name *
Email *
Mobile No. *
Service Attending *
Prayer request

List of Pastors at Faith

Discover the dedicated pastors serving at Faith Methodist Church.


Rev T C Nga
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Pastor Tan Cheok Kian
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Pastor Tan Cheok Kian
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Pastor Donald Chia
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Dr George Wan
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Dr George Wan
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Tan Cheok Kian
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Isaac Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Isaac Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Isaac Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Pastor Philip Chang
Rev Malcolm Tan
Rev Dr Philip Chang
Rev Malcolm Tan
Rev Dr Philip Chang
Pastor Michael Tan
Rev Malcolm Tan
Pastor Michael Tan
Rev Kevin Lowe
Rev Malcolm Tan
Pastor Michael Tan Rev Kevin Lowe
Rev Donald Chia
Rev Kevin Lowe
Pastor Juliette J Arulrajah
Rev Dr Donald Chia
Rev Vincent Goh
Pastor Juliette J Arulrajah
Rev Dr Donald Chia
Rev Paul Nga
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Dr Donald Chia
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Peter Goh
Rev Dr Donald Chia (till July)
Rev Kow Shih Ming (wef Aug)
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Peter Goh
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Peter Goh
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Peter Goh
Pastor Barnabas Chong
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Lawrence Chua
Rev Peter Goh
Pastor Barnabas Chong
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Chiu Ming Li
Pastor Barnabas Chong
Pastor Lynette Sathiasingam
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Pastor Lynette Sathiasingam
Pastor Ng Moh Ying
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev William Sam
Pastor Lynette Sathiasingam
Pastor Ng Moh Ying
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev William Sam
Rev Lynette Sathiasingam
Pastor Ng Moh Ying
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Joel Yong
Rev Lynette Sathiasingam
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Joel Yong
Rev Lilian Ang (till July)
Pastor Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Clarence Lee (wef Aug)
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Paul Nga (wef Aug)
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Joel Yong
Pastor Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Clarence Lee
Pastor Wendy Tay (wef Aug)
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Paul Nga
Rev Joel Yong
Rev Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Clarence Lee (till Jul)
Pastor Wendy Tay
Rev Paul Nga
Rev Joel Yong (till Jul)
Rev Noel Goh (wef Jul)
Rev Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Wendy Tay
Pastor Benjamin Lee
Rev Edwin Wong
Rev Noel Goh
Rev Ming Feong Ching
Rev Wendy Tay
Pastor Benjamin Lee
Rev Edwin Wong
Rev Noel Goh
Rev John Foo
Rev Raymond Fong (wef Nov)
Rev Raymond Fong (till Nov)
Rev Edwin Wong
Rev John Foo
Rev See Swee Fang
(Jan-Jul 16 – P/T; wef Aug 16 – F/T)
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev Edwin Wong (till 31 Jul)
Rev Raymond Fong (wef 1 Aug)
Rev Derrick Lau
Rev Peter Koh
Rev See Swee Fang
Rev Raymond Fong (till 31 Jul)
Pastor Anthony Phua (wef 1 Aug)
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev Derrick Lau
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev See Swee Fang
Pastor Anthony Phua
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev See Swee Fang (till June 2019)
Rev Eddie Ho
Pastor Anthony Phua
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Shannon Chan

Adult Baptism / Membership Registration Form

Register for adult baptism or church membership easily using the form below.

If you are 16 years old and above and desire baptism and/or membership in Faith Methodist Church, you may register for the Membership Conference. You may fill up the form below and a pastoral staff will contact you shortly. For more information, please visit our FAQs before completing the form.

Before you proceed to complete the form, kindly ensure that you have the following:

  • A passport-sized digital photo of yourself (frontal shot)
  • A one-page testimony of how you came to know the Lord (in Word/ PDF formats)
  • The completed Life Group Leaders’ Sponsorship Form (in Word/ PDF formats), if you are applying for Membership.
  • Payment ($10 for working adults; FREE for non-working/retirees/students) to be made via PayNow before submitting this form. If you are unable to make payment via PayNow, please submit a hardcopy form at the Info Counter on Sundays instead.
I am registering for *
Please upload your passport-sized photo *
Maximum file size: 50 MB
Please upload a 1-page testimony on how you became a Christian or how you encountered Jesus Christ *
Maximum file size: 50 MB


Salutation *
Surname (as in NRIC/Passport) *
Given Name (as in NRIC/Passport) *
Christian Name (as in NRIC/Passport)
Full Name To Appear On Certificate(s) *
NRIC/Passport No. *
Nationality *
Place Of Birth *
Date of Birth *
gender *
Marital Status *
Date Of Marriage *


Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 *
City *
State/Province/Region *
Postal Code *
Country *
Mobile No. *
Office No.
Home No.
Email *
Occupation *
Highest Education Level *

Office Address

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code

Ministries involved in at Faith/para-church organization, and position held

Service Attending *
Life Group (if applicable)
Life Group Leaders' Name (if applicable)
Role In Life Group (if applicable)

(Leave fields blank if none)


Please make payment ($10 for working adults; FREE for non-working/retirees/students) for your adult baptism and/or membership registration via PayNow before submitting this form.

By using the PayNow Service of the participating banks (e.g. DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB etc), you may choose to pay using the following methods:

Key in the following details:
Unique Entity Number (UEN) - S87CC0504G808
Reference Number – BMR


Scan the QR Code below. The Reference Number will be auto-filled for you.

If you are unable to make payment via PayNow, please submit your registration at the Church Office during office hours.

Full Name As Per Bank Account *
This will help us verify your payment.

Infant/Child/Youth Baptism Registration Form

Register your infant, child, or youth for the sacrament of baptism using the form below.

For children below 16 years old, whose parents (or at least one) are members of Faith Methodist Church.
If you need Parents/Guardian Consent Form, please download it HERE
If you need Sponsorship Form, please download it HERE
Please go to FAQ to see if you need the above forms






Other Name:

Christian Name:


Date of Birth:



Mobile No.:

Office No.:

Home No.:

Church Attending (if applicable):

Date Of Baptism (if applicable):

Place Of Baptism (if applicable):

Date Of Marriage:


Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 *
City *
State/Province/Region *
Postal Code *
Country *

Children To Be Baptised

No. Of Children To Be Baptised *