Discipleship & Nurture

faith ministry’s for

discipleship & nurture (d&n)

Develops our congregation as disciples of Christ. It partners with other ministries to deepen the F.A.I.T.H. (Fellowship, Adoration, Involvement, Transformation, Harvest) culture in our church, so that each member of our Faith church family is an ambassador of our mission to transform lives and change the world. 

Our D&N initiatives include

Planted by the Waters

Planted by the Waters is a campaign to encourage everyone to read the Bible. Based on Psalm 1:1-3, we believe that everyone who reads and reflects on the Word of God will be like a tree planted by streams of water. They will then bear fruit in season when the Word becomes reality in their lives.

Reading the Word

If you need a Bible reading plan, we recommend starting with the A Chapter A Day: Reading the Bible in Three Years plan, available on the YouVersion Bible App. Our church will be starting on the 1st Quarter – Year One plan on 1 January 2025.

First, make sure you’ve download the YouVersion Bible App

Depending on your phone’s operating system, click one of the icons below to download the app:

After setting up the app, click the link for the plan you wish to start on. You can start setting up the plan 4 weeks before the intended start date.

Here are the links to the plans and the dates you should start them on:

–  1 Jan, 2025  | Year One, First Quarter: http://bible.com/r/sz

– 1 Apr, 2025  | Year One, Second Quarter: http://bible.com/r/t3

– 1 Jul, 2025   | Year One, Third Quarter: http://bible.com/r/t4

– 1 Oct, 2025 | Year One, Fourth Quarter: http://bible.com/r/t5

If you prefer a hardcopy, you can download a printable reading plan here.

Reflecting on the Word

To grow deeper in the Word, we should reflect on how the lessons the Bible has for us can be applied in our lives today. We recommend starting a journal and setting aside time to record your reflections. If you are not sure how to go about reflecting on the Word, you can try the S.O.A.P. method:

S – Scripture

  • Read the assigned passage for the day
  • Note down the scripture(s) reference that stood out to you from the passage
  • Consider writing out the scripture(s) that stood out to you from the passage

O – Observation

  • Note down what is happening in the passage. Here are some guiding questions to help you:
    • What does it say about God?
    • What does it say about our human condition?
    • What made this passage stand out to you?

A – Application

  • Note down how you can apply your observations to your life. Here are some guiding questions to help you:
    • What are some steps you can take to apply what you’ve learnt?
    • How can you remind yourself of the promises in the passage?
    • How can you show devotion to God/love others based on your observations?

P – Prayer

Write a simple prayer to commit your observations and applications to God

If you would like to find out more about SOAP Journaling

Check out this video

If you would like to go deeper into your reflections by sharing and hearing from others in a community, consider joining a Life Group by filling out a form here.

Realising the Word

As we go through life, we find that God’s Word becomes a reality in our lives. Was there a verse or passage that encouraged you through a difficult situation? Did God’s Word come to pass in your life? How did you manage to bear fruit?

The answers to these questions may be testimonies of how God’s Word is true. If you have found that God’s Word is true, why not share your testimony with others? If you want to share a testimony of how God’s Word has blessed you, share it with us on this Google Form.

We hope your testimony can be used to encourage others in the church but if you’re feeling shy or wish to maintain some privacy, we’ll publish your testimony as “Anonymous”.

For enquiries on the Bible reading campaign Planted by the Waters, contact Rebekah Lim, Pastoral Team Member at this email.

栽在溪水旁 – 勤读就有福

《栽在溪水旁》是个鼓励每个人阅读圣经的运动。根据诗篇 1:1-3,我们相信,每个阅读与反思上帝话语的人都会像一棵栽在溪水旁的树。当祂的话语在他们的生活中成为现实时,他们将按时候结果子。


如果您需要一个阅读圣经计划,我们建议您使用YouVersion 圣经软件中的“每日一章:三年读经”计划。本教会将在2025年1月1日开始第一年第一季度的计划。

首先,请下载 YouVersion 圣经软件




2025年1月1日 | 第一年,第一季度(1月至3月):https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/reading-plans/3409-a-chapter-a-day-reading-the-bible-year-1-quarter-1 

2025年4月1日 | 第一年,第二季度(4月至6月):https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/reading-plans/3413-chapter-reading-the-bible-3-years-year-1-quarter-2 

2025年7月1日 | 第一年,第三季度(7月至9月):https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/reading-plans/3414-chapter-reading-the-bible-3-years-year-1-quarter-3 

2025年10月1日 | 第一年,第四季度(10月至12月):https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/reading-plans/3415-chapter-reading-bible-in-3-years-year-1-quarter-4



为了更深入地理解经文,我们应该反思能如何应用圣经所给予我们的教训在我们现今的生活中。我们建议您开始写日志并腾出时间记录您的反思。如果您不确定如何去反思经文,您可尝试以下的 S.O.A.P. 方法:

S – Scripture 经文

  • 阅读当天指定的经文 
  • 记下这段经文中突出的章节 
  • 考虑写出这段让您印象深刻的经文

O – Observation 观察

  • 记下这段经文中所发生的事情。以下是一些能引导您的问题:
    • 这段经文是如何讲述上帝的呢? 
    • 这段经文是如何讲述人类状况的呢? 
    • 是什么让这段经文让您印象深刻呢?

A – Application 应用

  • 记下您如何能将您的观察应用在您的生活中。以下是一些能引导您的问题:
    • 您可以采取哪些步骤把所学到的知识/教训应用在生活中呢? 
    • 您如何能提醒自己有关这段经文中的应许呢? 
    • 您如何能根据您的观察去表明对上帝的虔诚或去爱他人呢?

P – Prayer 祷告

  • 写一段简单的祷告,把您的观察和应用交托给上帝。
  • 您也可以:
    • 为您所学到的知识/教训感谢上帝。
    • 求上帝帮助您学以致用。







若您对《栽在溪水旁》阅读圣经运动有任何疑问,请透过此电邮联络教牧同工 Rebekah Lim 。

Biblical Courses

Our next class will be on the book of Revelation. More information will be released closer to the date.

BIBLE STUDY ON BOOK OF JAMES What is the state of your Christian faith? Does your faith cause you to BIBLE STUDY ON BOOK OF JAMES? What is the state of your Christian faith? Does your faith cause you to act to fulfil what faith has called you to? Or it your faith dead and characterised by inaction? Can we truly say FAITH ACTS?

This Bible dialogue explores the book of James, the most practical book of Bible. The dialogue explores:


Why should faith cause us to act?


How faith and action working together helps us face the challenges of life


How faith acts out in the context that our time on earth is limited.

Teacher: Mr Andrew Chan, Local Preacher

9.30 AM - 12.30 PM

19, 26 April and 3 May. Friday.

TCN Hall

For enquiries, please email pehoonthian@faithmc.sg  


DISCIPLE 1 – Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study

This is a 34-week study of the entire Bible with equal emphasis on the Old & New Testaments. The group meets once a week for a 2.5hrs session for study & discussion. Through this program, participants learn to live as committed disciples. This study is the pre-requisite for the other three DISCIPLE Bible Study courses.

Disciple 1 Class timings:

Starting 20 Mar 2025  |  Every Thursday  |  7.30pm-10pm | $30 per pax (Course Fees)

D1 Orientation (All D1 participants): 13 Mar 2025 (Thu)  |  7.30pm-9pm   |  Rev TC Nga Hall, L4
(If you haven’t registered or paid online for the D1 course or want to learn more, please attend the orientation. Physical classes require a minimum of 12 participants). 

To register or pay online, visit here: by 2 Mar 2025 (Sun).



We’re working on the next topic. Keep watching this space! 

For suggestions or enquiries, contact Rebekah Lim (rebekahlim@faithmc.sg). 

Spiritual Retreat

Need some time to quiet down and hear from the LORD? Let us help you get started. If your Life Group is interested, we can recommend spiritual retreat centres and arrange for spiritual directors to provide guidance in your meditation.

For more information, contact Tenny Pang (tennypang@faithmc.sg). 

For enquiries, please email pehoonthian@faithmc.sg  

Get in touch

For more information on our Ministry for Discipleship & Nurture, please contact Tenny Pang (tennypang@faithmc.sg) or Rebekah Lim (rebekahlim@faithmc.sg).

Hello There!

welcome to faith methodist church

We’re a joyful and inclusive community that loves Jesus and people of all ages. Join us for lively Sunday worship, connect in our Life Groups, and get involved in our ministry activities.

Come visit us this Sunday – we’d love to get to know you better

Thanksgiving & Testimony

Got a story of joy, faith, or answered prayers? We’d love to hear it! Share your thanksgiving or testimony with us below, and let’s celebrate God’s goodness together! 

Email Address *
Salutation *
Mobile Number *
Service Attending *
Life Group (if applicable) *
Please indicate *
Details of Thanksgiving/Testimony *
I/We have read and understood the Personal Data Protection Policy (PDPP) of Faith Methodist Church, and hereby give my/our acknowledgement and consent to use my/our personal data in accordance with the PDPP. Disclaimer: Your submissions may be published in FaithLink and other platforms. Do email to our Comms team at comms@faithmc.sg if you wish to remain anonymous. *

Prayer Request

Fill out this Prayer Request form to share your prayers and hopes. We are honored to pray alongside you, offering spiritual support and lifting your requests to God. All information you provide will be kept confidential.

Prayer request

Salutation *
Name *
Email *
Mobile No. *
Service Attending *
Prayer request

List of Pastors at Faith

Discover the dedicated pastors serving at Faith Methodist Church.


Rev T C Nga
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Pastor Tan Cheok Kian
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Pastor Tan Cheok Kian
Rev Ho Chee Sin
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Pastor Donald Chia
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Dr George Wan
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Dr George Wan
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Tan Cheok Kian
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Dr Clarence Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Isaac Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Isaac Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Rev Isaac Lim
Rev Lee Yam Kai
Pastor Philip Chang
Rev Malcolm Tan
Rev Dr Philip Chang
Rev Malcolm Tan
Rev Dr Philip Chang
Pastor Michael Tan
Rev Malcolm Tan
Pastor Michael Tan
Rev Kevin Lowe
Rev Malcolm Tan
Pastor Michael Tan Rev Kevin Lowe
Rev Donald Chia
Rev Kevin Lowe
Pastor Juliette J Arulrajah
Rev Dr Donald Chia
Rev Vincent Goh
Pastor Juliette J Arulrajah
Rev Dr Donald Chia
Rev Paul Nga
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Dr Donald Chia
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Peter Goh
Rev Dr Donald Chia (till July)
Rev Kow Shih Ming (wef Aug)
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Peter Goh
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Vincent Goh
Rev Peter Goh
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Peter Goh
Pastor Barnabas Chong
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Lawrence Chua
Rev Peter Goh
Pastor Barnabas Chong
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev Chiu Ming Li
Pastor Barnabas Chong
Pastor Lynette Sathiasingam
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Pastor Lynette Sathiasingam
Pastor Ng Moh Ying
Rev Kow Shih Ming
Rev William Sam
Pastor Lynette Sathiasingam
Pastor Ng Moh Ying
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev William Sam
Rev Lynette Sathiasingam
Pastor Ng Moh Ying
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Joel Yong
Rev Lynette Sathiasingam
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Joel Yong
Rev Lilian Ang (till July)
Pastor Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Clarence Lee (wef Aug)
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Paul Nga (wef Aug)
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Joel Yong
Pastor Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Clarence Lee
Pastor Wendy Tay (wef Aug)
Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Rev Paul Nga
Rev Joel Yong
Rev Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Clarence Lee (till Jul)
Pastor Wendy Tay
Rev Paul Nga
Rev Joel Yong (till Jul)
Rev Noel Goh (wef Jul)
Rev Ming Feong Ching
Pastor Wendy Tay
Pastor Benjamin Lee
Rev Edwin Wong
Rev Noel Goh
Rev Ming Feong Ching
Rev Wendy Tay
Pastor Benjamin Lee
Rev Edwin Wong
Rev Noel Goh
Rev John Foo
Rev Raymond Fong (wef Nov)
Rev Raymond Fong (till Nov)
Rev Edwin Wong
Rev John Foo
Rev See Swee Fang
(Jan-Jul 16 – P/T; wef Aug 16 – F/T)
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev Edwin Wong (till 31 Jul)
Rev Raymond Fong (wef 1 Aug)
Rev Derrick Lau
Rev Peter Koh
Rev See Swee Fang
Rev Raymond Fong (till 31 Jul)
Pastor Anthony Phua (wef 1 Aug)
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev Derrick Lau
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev See Swee Fang
Pastor Anthony Phua
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev See Swee Fang (till June 2019)
Rev Eddie Ho
Pastor Anthony Phua
Rev Raymond Fong
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Reuben Ng
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev John Benedict Foo
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Chan Mei Ming
Rev Eddie Ho
Rev Kenneth Huang
Rev Peter Koh
Rev Shannon Chan

Adult Baptism / Membership Registration Form

Register for adult baptism or church membership easily using the form below.

If you are 16 years old and above and desire baptism and/or membership in Faith Methodist Church, you may register for the Membership Conference. You may fill up the form below and a pastoral staff will contact you shortly. For more information, please visit our FAQs before completing the form.

Before you proceed to complete the form, kindly ensure that you have the following:

  • A passport-sized digital photo of yourself (frontal shot)
  • A one-page testimony of how you came to know the Lord (in Word/ PDF formats)
  • The completed Life Group Leaders’ Sponsorship Form (in Word/ PDF formats), if you are applying for Membership.
  • Payment ($10 for working adults; FREE for non-working/retirees/students) to be made via PayNow before submitting this form. If you are unable to make payment via PayNow, please submit a hardcopy form at the Info Counter on Sundays instead.
I am registering for *
Please upload your passport-sized photo *
Maximum file size: 50 MB
Please upload a 1-page testimony on how you became a Christian or how you encountered Jesus Christ *
Maximum file size: 50 MB


Salutation *
Surname (as in NRIC/Passport) *
Given Name (as in NRIC/Passport) *
Christian Name (as in NRIC/Passport)
Full Name To Appear On Certificate(s) *
NRIC/Passport No. *
Nationality *
Place Of Birth *
Date of Birth *
gender *
Marital Status *
Date Of Marriage *


Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 *
City *
State/Province/Region *
Postal Code *
Country *
Mobile No. *
Office No.
Home No.
Email *
Occupation *
Highest Education Level *

Office Address

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code

Ministries involved in at Faith/para-church organization, and position held

Service Attending *
Life Group (if applicable)
Life Group Leaders' Name (if applicable)
Role In Life Group (if applicable)

(Leave fields blank if none)


Please make payment ($10 for working adults; FREE for non-working/retirees/students) for your adult baptism and/or membership registration via PayNow before submitting this form.

By using the PayNow Service of the participating banks (e.g. DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB etc), you may choose to pay using the following methods:

Key in the following details:
Unique Entity Number (UEN) - S87CC0504G808
Reference Number – BMR


Scan the QR Code below. The Reference Number will be auto-filled for you.

If you are unable to make payment via PayNow, please submit your registration at the Church Office during office hours.

Full Name As Per Bank Account *
This will help us verify your payment.

Infant/Child/Youth Baptism Registration Form

Register your infant, child, or youth for the sacrament of baptism using the form below.

For children below 16 years old, whose parents (or at least one) are members of Faith Methodist Church.
If you need Parents/Guardian Consent Form, please download it HERE
If you need Sponsorship Form, please download it HERE
Please go to FAQ to see if you need the above forms






Other Name:

Christian Name:


Date of Birth:



Mobile No.:

Office No.:

Home No.:

Church Attending (if applicable):

Date Of Baptism (if applicable):

Place Of Baptism (if applicable):

Date Of Marriage:


Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 *
City *
State/Province/Region *
Postal Code *
Country *

Children To Be Baptised

No. Of Children To Be Baptised *