
The TackleBox

Youth Ministry

The TackleBox (TTB) Youth Ministry of Faith is catered to 13 – 18 year-olds in our church family. We aim to build up a community of young Christians whose hearts adore God, who love one another, and who are compassionate toward the world. 

The TackleBox Life Groups

Every Sunday – 11am @Anglo-Chinese Junior College (25 Dover Close East, S139745) 

The TackleBox Meets

4th and 5th Sunday only – 9am @Anglo-Chinese Junior College (25 Dover Close East, S139745)

With effect from July 2024, TTB Meets will now meet every 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays! More meets, more fun! We hope to see you there!

TackleCamp 2024
TackleCamp is back again this year! If you’re a youth or you know a youth, then join us for our youth camp and block out these dates in your calendar! Curious to find out more? Keep your eyes peeled on this space (and Family News segments, and our social media channels) for more details, or you can approach our PTM (Youth) Isaiah Tee for enquiries!

Dates: 14 December 2024 (Saturday)
             26 December—29 December 2024 (Thursday—Sunday)

Email Isaiah Tee at or Poh Song Wei at for any enquiries.

Follow The TackleBox Youth on Instagram! (@fmcttb)

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